#!/usr/bin/python#coding=gbkimport timeimport osimport linecacheclass convert_time(object):          def __init__(self,user):                 self.user = user    def date_comm(self):        file  = [  x.split(' ')[-2]  for x in linecache.getlines(user)  if x.split(' ')[-2] != '00:00:00' and not  x.startswith('User')  and not   x.startswith('---') ]        file_time= []        for x in file:             if x.find('-') == -1:                file_time.append('0-%s' % x)             else:                file_time.append(x)                  return file_time    def date_convert(self):        'Get the user time, generate a dictionary'        datestr = self.date_comm()                  time_list = { 'days':0,'hours':0,'minute':0,'second':0 }        for x in xrange(len(datestr)):            time = datestr[x].split('-')            time_l = time[1].split(':')            time_list['days']   += float(time[0])            time_list['hours']  += float(time_l[0])            time_list['minute'] += float(time_l[1])            time_list['second'] += float(time_l[2])              return time_list    def convert_hours(self):        'Converts time into hours'        time_all  = self.date_convert()        hours_total = time_all['days'] * 24 + time_all['hours'] + round(time_all['minute'] / 60.0) + round(time_all['second'] / 120.0)              return hours_total    def convert_minute(self):        'Converts time into minutes'        time_all  = self.date_convert()        min_total = time_all['days'] * 24 * 60 + time_all['hours'] * 60 + time_all['minute']  + round(time_all['second'] / 60)              return min_total    def convert_second(self):        'Converts time into second'        time_all  = self.date_convert()        sec_total = time_all['days'] * 24 * 120 + time_all['hours'] * 120 + time_all['minute']  + time_all['second']               return sec_totalos.system('color a')print '                             用户机时统计系统'print '\n'user =  raw_input('请输入文件的路径:')while True:    if os.path.isfile(user):        ct =  convert_time(user)                  print """             -------------- 用户使用机时如下:---------------------                                            总计:%s 小时                               %s 分钟                               %s 秒                                          ------------------------------------------------------        """ % (ct.convert_hours(),ct.convert_minute(),ct.convert_second())        list = raw_input('回车退出程序')        break    else:        print '文件不存在,请输入一个正确的文件路径!'        user =  raw_input('请输入文件的路径:')